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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Club Penguin blog: Featured Igloos - February 28

Ahoy Penguins!

Hope everyone's enjoying Rockhopper's Quest so far. While you're exploring new islands, I thought you'd like to see some of the great igloos you nominated to be featured here on the blog! Check 'em out:

Korbinski said: "I think you should feature Catie418's igloo. She always changes it, but I'm always WAY too impressed when I see her igloo. Please don't let her talent go to waste!!"
Felipe said: "I love my friend All Time Lo's igloo it's just like the dojo! There's even hidden ninjas behind the secret rice walls it's amazing and you can even play card jitsu in the igloo!"
Jump123 said: "I Love Flutter2007's Igloo. Right Now It Is A Train And It's So Cool. I Love To See Her Designs Because She Is So Creative. The Things She Make Just Blow Me Away!!!"
Have you seen a great pirate igloo lately? Tell us the owner's name and your favorite item in it below in the comments. Keep an eye out for more featured igloos here on the blog!

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77

Now comon guys, vote for me. I am changing it soon.

Club Penguin ad seen

Today, I was going around a few sites when I saw this specific Club Penguin ad
I don't see it very often especially in where I live.

Tell me if you have saw the ad in comments!
Waddle on

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Club Penguin Blog: Reviewed By You: Rockhopper's Quest

Here's what Happy77 said:


In our last Reviewed By You post, we asked what your message would be to the kids we support through Coins for Change. I liked Wysteria03's comment:

Hi, I'm soo happy we raised enough coins to donate $2 million to various charities! This is my message... I'm soo happy we could help you. I'm also glad that me, my friends and penguins from around the world could help people like you to have safe places to rest, live and learn. The best Christmas present I had, was knowing that my coins would make someone else happy, that, I feel, was the best present of all! Giving IS better than receiving! We can change the lives of others by our actions, and Coins for Change is a way to do it.

Thanks for your nice comments, everyone!

In other news... As many of you know, Rockhopper's Quest is happening right now! So I'd like to know... What is your favorite part of the Quest so far?

Stay tuned for another Reviewed By You coming soon! I'll feature one of your comments next time and you'll even receive a coin bonus of 10,000 on your account if your comment is featured!

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77

I would love to join this review by you! Stay tuned

Rockhopper's quest: Full guide!

Here's a video telling you how to complete rockhopper's quest


Friday, February 24, 2012

Field ops 70 cheats

Use our Field ops tracker to track filed ops in seconds

Instructions how to add it on your site included :)

Club Penguin Pin CHEATS :)

Here is the cheats for 2 pins
Pin 1
Location: Ski hill
 Do you want to pick it up? YES!
It sort of look cool really

Pin 2
Location: Shipwreck island
Build the tower by pressing it a few times
 You'll get the message. I want that!
 That's all and don't forget to use our pin trackers

Waddle on!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Club Penguin Card jitsu water BUG!

Today, when I was playing card jitsu water, I got a bug while waiting.

I press the 'X" button when I was waiting then it went like this, It was nearly the start of the game when I pressed "X" and then I could stop playing but look what now!
 The clothing is missing and my player card won't load.

I clicked to play again but when the other player was already playing, I was still here!
I walked out of the room and try again. Then it worked but what a  waste of time.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Club Penguin Igloo upgrades CHEATS :)

Here is the cheats for the new igloo upgrades catalog
The front cover looks great :)

Here is a little hidden stuff that was not hidden before. The dance flooring can be found by clicking the tile circled.
 You can get the dance floor for 1000 coins :)

Click on the word "igloo"
 You can get the secret stone igloo for 2000 coins. A little too expensive!

Click on the blue castle door (Behind the popup page)
You can get the ice grey castle for 2400 coins

That's all I can find I comment below if you can find more. I may also update this is there is.
Waddle on

Friday, February 17, 2012

Field ops Tracker

Here is a new thing that I got out. It's the field ops tracker
Get code (CTRL c to copy)

(Reminder: You still have to copy and paste code in the content box)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fashion show ending

I know the fashion show is nearly ending because the date is gone. Look
Waddle on
Here is what Happy77 said

I wanted to share this video from Disney Channel in the UK with you! It shows a preview of the new Club Penguin magazine that's available in the United Kingdom now!

Check it out:

The magazine is currently only available for purchase at newsstands in the UK.

So what's your favorite part of the new magazine? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below!

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77

I do watch Disney Channel but the Hong Kong one which is different.

I always say tomyself "Too bad"

Waddle on

Club Penguin Blog: Coming Soon: Rockhopper's quest

This is the message from Happy77


Happy77 here. By now you've probably seen that Rockhopper's Quest is coming on February 23. In fact, Rockhopper's ship is almost here now! I'm super excited about the big quest, and wanted to let you give you more info about what to look forward to.

During the quest, everyone will get to set sail aboard Rockhopper's ship for the very first time! I know many of you have wanted to travel aboard the Migrator, so this is the moment you've been waiting for.

Get ready to set sail...
The quest is a little different than most Club Penguin parties, since everything's happening on faraway islands! Both members and penguins with free accounts will get to discover these new places. Plus there's some exclusive stuff for members to discover, like new items and a mysterious Viking Cave...

We'll have a sneak peek video for you later this week, so stay tuned for that! :)

So what are you most excited about? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Can't wait to hear what you think...

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
By Happy77

You can see Rockhopper coming in the lighthouse telescope

Sp make a few comments below!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Club Penguin Times No.329

Here is the Club Penguin times for this week.
Back page:
Classified area

How to throw snowballs
This is very easy, to start, pick at target to practice. I would chose snow forts
1st. To throw the snowball to the target, press "t" on your keyboard.
 2nd. You'll get the little target and then click when you find the area correct.

All you got to do now is start throwing. To trow quickly, keep on pressing "T" on your keyboard and keep clicking.


Friday, February 10, 2012

VIDEO: Official Club Penguin magazine now available!

Magazines now available, see what the CPUK (club penguin uk) had to say.....

Well, I don't live anywhere near there.
Tell me in the comments if you got it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

VIDEO: Lane Merrifield Q&A (Club Penguin)

Here is a unlisted video from club penguin on youtube that I found today. Really, Lane is just Billybob who is one of the moderators. Lets take a look...

What do you think, let us know in the comments!

Field ops 68

Something with Herbert P bear.

Cadence Tracker!

Get my latest Cadence tracker here
Get code

Happy Tracking and use chat to find her

(Reminder: You still have to copy and paste code in the content box)

Club Penguin Pin CHEATS :)

Here is the new Pin located at the Dock
 Do you want to pick it up? YES!
 Here is it on my player card
 In my stamp book....
Bug! Wrong date!



Happy77 here. Thanks for all your comments about the Fashion Show! This is the first time we've ever hosted an event in one room, so we've loved hearing what you think about it.

Some of you asked if this was the only special event in February... Guess what? There's a brand new party happening later this month! I'm excited about this one and can't wait to hear what you think of it. We'll have some sneak peeks for you very soon. Stay tuned! :)

But first... we're just about ready to launch a play at the Stage! It's two plays combined called "The Vikings That Time Forgot":

What plays would you like to see at the Stage in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77

I wonder was there a similar show before or repeated before??
If you know the answer, please make a comment!
PS. I don't even know the answer because I joined Club Penguin in 2011 may.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

VIDEO: Fashion Show on Club Penguin!

Just a ad really so is nothing to do with me.

Club Penguin rules BUG

I was trying to see what different language servers look like and then I click on the club penguin rules button (I don't know how to read it in other language) and it was all English....
Now how does people who don't know English read the rules?!
I wish they change it as soon as possible to prevent unfair bans.
So comment your anger here...
~ Nate

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Here is what Happy77 said:

The Fashion Show has arrived at the Gift Shop! Check out all the penguins dressed up in the latest styles:

Let us know what you like best about the Fashion Show! What was your favorite item, and what would you like to see in the future?

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77

Looks nice!

Club penguin blog BUG!

There is a little bug with the header of club penguin's blog......
Whats wrong now?? Just not a edit!
So comment if you don't/have this bug
Waddle on

Same now!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Field ops 67 quick message

The new field ops 67 is located at the EPF command room in front of the big TV. The video should come in the next 14 hours because is already late at night.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Meeting Rookie at Big Foot

The video

A great party with Rookie the third time and even a stamp!

Underwater party EXTENDED!

Here is a little glitch of club penguin annoyance
Why is all parties extended one day?? Wednesday is February already and it should be over! You can know because the room is tilted aside.
Comment to tell how annoying is it! 

Who's your favorite moderator on CP vote :)

Here, you voted for them and here are the answers.

  4 (66%)
  5 (83%)
Rsnail (uncommon)
  1 (16%)
Screenhog (uncommon)
  0 (0%)
Looks like Billybob is one of them. I also like Billybob the most.

Lets see the next vote soon on the sidebar
Nate in Club Penguin is not affiliated or associated with Club Penguin or the Disney Online Studios Canada Incorporation. All images, penguins, games, animations, logos, and content is owned by Club Penguin.

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